Myanmar’s Foreign Policy/ 缅甸的外交政策


1. A State attains some of its national objectives by adopting and implementing its domestic policies. However as it is interrelated with other states, it becomes necessary to adopt policies that would persuade other states to react favorably. To attain such objectives, a state needs to establish diplomatic relations with other states and work in concert towards joint resolutions and cooperative implementations of common issues. The conduct of such relations in a systematic and consistent manner is said to be the Foreign Policy of a State. Both domestic and Foreign Policies are intended to attain objectives of national interest. They are interrelated and mutually reinforcing.


5. Beginning in 1971 Myanmar transformed its independent and non-aligned Foreign Policy to an independent and active Foreign Policy. The State Law and Order Restoration Council , by its Declaration 3/88 of 18.9.88 promulgated that it would continue to adhere to the independent and active foreign policy .In practising its Independent and Active Foreign Policy, Myanmar will not align itself with any bloc on international issues except to consistently stand on the side that is right. Myanmar also actively participates in activities for world peace; opposes war, imperialism and colonialism; and maintains friendly relations with all countries.


7. In 1954 Myanmar, China and India, during Chinese Premier Chou En Lai’s visit to India and Myanmar expounded the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence. Accordingly, on 28.6.1954 China and India signed in New Delhi and on 29.6.1954 Myanmar and China signed in Yangon, agreements to adhere to these Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence. The Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence are:

 Republic of the Union of Myanmar Press Release Team
Press Release No. 10/2013
4th Waning of Waso, 1375 ME
(26th July, 2013)



1. The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar has been striving with might and main to build a new peaceful, modernized and democratic nation in accordance with the desire of the entire people.
2. In line with the State Constitution, all citizens of Myanmar have the right to religious freedom of choice in Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Animism. Through history, there has been peaceful co-existence and harmony among different religious groups.